Let’s  talk 9/11 evidence. 

Consider the issue of standards of proof. My standards of proof may differ from yours. To insist that I must prove 9/11 was an inside job sets too high a standard for people who think patriotism means supporting under any conditions all the institutions of society.  Do politicians ever lie or dissemble? Better to have the standard of achieving a “cause for concern.” We don’t deserve to live in freedom if we can’t have a civil conversation about this 9/11 evidence. Such civil dialog in the US is RARE.

 Don’t approach the issue as if you must extrapolate to changing your overall position after reviewing any given point. Just see if that specific point rises to the level of deserving more study.

1. Symmetry of collapse
Fire meanders and can’t be controlled. Symmetry requires precision, which could only come from expertly designed destruction rather than happenstance fire and gravity.
( There was no investigation into the possibility of the use of explosives, a requirement of fire departments when there is fire.)
 2. Totality of collapse
If the descending mass was able to destroy every floor below it, why are there no pictures of what crushed the ground floor? 
Contrary to Newton’s Third Law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.( The descending mass, being subject the the impact from below, would fall apart long before reaching the lowest floors.)
an unfinished website I am putting forward to interest college students in PRIVATELY bringing the issue before  their teachers. At a peer reviewed level the website
 is available.
3. Speed of collapse 
Why didn’t the floors right below where the plane hit, which were no hotter than the rest of Manhattan, not slow the falling floors?  Were they not as strong as they had been since the 70’s?
 Consider Newton’s Third Law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
 4. The arrested rotation of the tipping top of WTC2. 
Contrary to Newton's 1st Law: A body in motion tends to stay in motion.
5. Squibs: High-speed ejections of pulverized building materials from isolated windows as much as 40 stories below the collapse zone.
When you inflate a balloon with a bicycle pump, it expands equally in all directions. Air coming down the elevator shafts should have pressed on ALL the windows on a floor, not just isolated ones here and there.
6. Multi-ton building components hurled hundreds of feet laterally at 50 mph
Newton’s First Law: An object in motion tends to stay in motion. Lateral ejection implies force  in addition than gravity was at work.
7. The pulverization of 180,000 tons of concrete floors. If you drop a brick from a very high distance, don’t expect it to pulverize. ***********************************************************************************************
8. The collapse of the robust lower core, built to hold up 60 stories above it, under nothing more than its own weight after the rest of the building had fallen.
9. The presence of melted or molten steel in the rubble pile, as testified to by 5 PhDs and an FDNY Captain. There was no fuel or oxygen, and the heat lasted 3 months.
10. The presence of partially "evaporated" steel, characterized by the New York Times as "perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation."
11. The 9/11 widows’ 300 questions
The 9/11 widows gave 300 questions to there 911 Commission lead by Kean  and Hamilton and were told that these would serve as the road map for the investigation. When they read the report they found that 200 questions had been ignored, and only 27 had been properly answered.
12. The BBC announced WTC 7 had come down while it was still standing in the background.
13. Larry Silverstein, the owner of WTC7 is on videotape announcing that he began planning to replace WTC7 in 2000.
14. The NIST report was not peer reviewed as required by law. NIST admitted freefall of WTC7 for at least 2.25 seconds.
15. WTC7 fell in 7 seconds even though  it was not hit by a plane, and the fires were trivial..
 16. NIST computer model of collapse of WTC7 looks nothing like the actual video and the NIST  Twin Tower reports stopped at the point of collapse initiation. ( erase the yellow mark please)
17. NIST claims the 13th floor’s collapse brought down the whole rest of WTC7 while the 14th, 15th 16th and 17th floors had been vacant.
***********************************************************************************************18. According to NYT reporter Philip Shenon, the executive director of the Kean Commission Philip Zelikowm, wrote a detailed outline of the report before the first witness testified. He also received regular calls from Bush insider Karl Rove.
***********************************************************************************************19. Bush and Cheney testified together before the Kean Commission in secret without being sworn in.
20. Kean Commission quote:”To date, the U.S. government has not been able to determine the origin of the money used for the 9/11 attacks. Ultimately the question is of little practical significance." (p. 172)

21. Muhammad Atta’s passport just happened to be found in pristine shape, yet the tiniest remains for 40% of the victims were not found.

22. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta testifies before Hamilton that he witness a young man warning VP Cheney of a plane being 50 and then 30 and then 10 miles away without Cheney responding to the threat. Here is the video 

23. 39 out of 40 accountants working at the Pentagon died that day. DOD secretary Rumsfeld just happened to announce $3.2 trillion missing from Pentagon on the day before, conveniently lost in the news cycle after the catastrophe.
 24. The only time a steel skyscraper has collapsed due to fire was on 9/11, and it happened 3 times with two different types of architectural designs.

25. An professional actor wearing a Harley shirt who had previously been a regular cast member of a Canadian sitcom was interviewed that day on TV providing a description equivalent to the official government line.

26. The USAF is not the keystone cops. The four planes flying at a speed of 600 MPH avoided interception for nearly 2 hours  from  USAF jets capable of reaching 1800 MPH.  That was after warnings had been received from at least a dozen nations, including Russia and Israel.

27. The Kean Commission did not even mention the destruction of WTC7, which was complete rubble without even being hit by a plane, and national news reports never mentioned the WTC7 after 9/11/01
28. The ostensible pilot of the AA77, Hani Hanjour was such a poor pilot that his instructor in Arizona  refused to get in a Cessna with him.

29. The video showing Osama bin Laden admitting to doing 9/11 is a fraud. The fellow is too rotund and writes with the wrong hand. Later videos show OBL’s beard getting darker. There are no photographs proving the US killed OBL at Abbottabad, a mile from the Pakistani West Point
30. Large parts of UA93 were found miles apart near Shanksville Pa, suggesting the plane was  shot down by a rogue but patriotic USAF pilot rather than having crashed like in the Greenglass movie.

The best websites to evaluate the evidence are 

as well as


The 23-member 9/11 Consensus Panel is building a body of evidence-based research into the events of September 11, 2001. This evidence -- derived from a standard scientific reviewing process -- is available to any investigation that may be undertaken by the public, the media, academia, or any other investigative body or institution.

The complete 911Timeline is over 8000 citations from mainstream media. national and international, no blogs. It is the most objective website on 9/11, in the sense that if the NYT reported a story and one or more assertions turned out to be in error, it is still part of history.
Other useful websites I have set up include:
Barry Jennings, a black NYC official, should be considered the great hero of 9/11 in history. He escaped from WTC7 saving the life of the corporation counsel for the city. Jennings died mysteriously 2 days before the NIST final draft report on WTC7.


  1. Who wrote this please? God Bless, Kyle PresidentKopitke2016.info

  2. Only idiots believe and propagate this garbage. To answer quickly some of your points:

    1) Meandering fires are irrelevant. What is relevant is that the Towers were built like a suspension bridge, with the floors supported by the core and the external columns. When the external columns snapped, everything fell down. It didn't matter where it snapped; half a suspension bridge won't stand, regardless which side falls first.

    2) The ground floor was crushed under 500k tons of falling debris that impacted at more than 120 mph. Just how much of it do you think remained that could be photographed? Do you even have any comprehension of how much force that kind of impact would be? And, no, Newton's Third Law does not work the way you claim, because, if it did, no building ever could fall down. Obviously, the "equal and opposite" reaction does not mean that whatever is underneath a falling section would stop the falling section!

    3) The lower floors could not possibly have stopped the falling floors, because the force of impact was many hundreds of times greater than the force of the floors when they were fixed in place. 50k tons of falling floors hit the lower floors with enough force to have destroyed anything in their way.

    4) It's amazing how many times you people drop Newton's name, when you obviously have no idea what his works mean or how to calculate these forces! A body in motion tends to stay in motion, UNLESS ACTED ON BY AN OUTSIDE FORCE! That's the full phrasing of Newton's First Law.

    5) Even if you assume that every inch of the WTC Towers was identical and airtight, you still shouldn't assume that exactly the same materials were spread evenly throughout the interior of the Towers. What that means is, you shouldn't expect to see the same things (or maybe anything) ejected uniformly from every window of the Towers. That's just crazy talk!

    6) Lateral ejection means that two objects struck off-center. That's all it means. Sane people don't have trouble accepting that when a huge building collapses, some of the pieces won't strike exactly in the middle of the other pieces. Insane, ignorant or stupid people claim that lateral ejections prove that something other than gravity was at work.

    7) If 50k tons of steel lands on you, your car or your house, don't expect any of those things *not* to pulverize! Again, sane and insane...

    1. Your need to violate the bounds of civility suggest you lack confidence in your assertions.

    2. You've miss the essential riddle: how did three buildings collapse at very nearly freefall speed? People are invoking Newton's Laws because the far more massive lower floors didn't even SLOW DOWN the upper floors. Nor have you explained how 15 floors can crush more than 15 floors? Potential energy doesn't magically appear out of the blue. If you examine all the evidence you will change your tune, as so many of the co-signers of the 9-11 Truth Movement did. They wanted to prove these scalliwags wrong, and ended up demanding an honest investigation, instead of a carefully crafted whitewashing of everything that points to treason and terror at the highest eschelons of power.

    3. #2, #3 and #15 address the issue you raise, though they way you put it is of value. One time I was leafleting at the annual national convention for civil engineers. I encounbtered 2 very young women and asked if they were civil engineers. They responded," We'd like to be."I raised a similar issue to what you raised. I said," Lets say a plane hit the tower and instead of damaging the tower in the shape of a plane, it caused 5 floors to totally evaporate. Then the floors above accelerated downward beginning to crush the floors underneath. They could have crushed some floors underneath, but not ALL THE FLOORS ALL THE WAY TO THE GROUND. Do you agree?" I asked. They said "Yes." I said," None of the attendees at this convention who are my age agree."

      I must say I am not clear what your reference to how others in the truth movement changed their tune. Care to explain?

  3. We were told that these failures were structural in nature, not unlike an
    earthquake in which almost ever single body or identifiable body part
    are recovered for burial , but with WTC the victims were creamated and
    only first responders body’s were recovered but not all of them
    ether. Didn’t you notice the lack of funerals? I would have expected days
    and weeks of funerals as the floors that “pancaked “ were removed and remains
    were discovered and returned to the family’s. In aircraft crashes ,100% of
    bodies are recovered but in this case with 4 alledged crashes not 1 body
    was recovered from the 3 sites. Our govnt has to prove that there were
    aircraft involved by providing even 1 body , 1 black box, 1 engine, 1 aircraft
    part with identifiable serial # . It is incumbent on the govnt to prove what
    they claimed , not for the citizens to disprove their lies which incidentally
    we are prepared to do. I have found that the more educated the person
    is , the harder it is to get them to question this childish lie that we were
    told because they to intelligent to be propagandized.
    Sam C
    Sam C

    1. I was unaware about the lack of funerals. I agree with your statement "It is incumbent on the govnt to prove what they claimed , not for the citizens to disprove their lies..."

    2. I must add that I can prove a plane hit WTC1,and I will dialog with you if I know who I'm in dialog with.

  4. Just think.. https://youtu.be/VXBk8JqwFlw?t=7512

    1. While I agree there is significant evidence pointing to Israeli involvement, 9/11 truthers who lead with that evidence appear to care little about making their case of a false flag to nonchoir, since you have to show the planes did not take down the towers BEFORE addressing who did it.


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